Category: SKU: RHW100ML Tage:


Royal Health Wine is a premium rice wine that has a rich history dating back to the Kangxi Year of the Qing Dynasty, over 300 years ago. The formula for this wine has been passed down through generations and has stood the test of time. With modern scientific advancements, this formula has been improved to enhance its human health care functions.


Our wine is made from high-quality rice and contains a variety of botanical herbs that are carefully selected for their health benefits. These herbs are known for their traditional qualities of traditional Chinese medicine tonics, and are blended to create a unique and delicious flavor.


At Royal Health Wine, we are committed to producing a product that not only tastes great, but also provides numerous health benefits. Our wine is rich in antioxidants and has been shown to promote heart health, reduce stress, and improve overall wellness.


The unique combination of wine and botanical herbs in Royal Health Wine makes it a powerful health tonic. The wine is made using traditional fermentation methods that have been refined over centuries, resulting in a smooth and mellow taste. The botanical herbs are carefully chosen for their health benefits and are added to the wine during the fermentation process.


Royal Health Wine is a perfect blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, providing a unique and effective health tonic. Our commitment to quality and excellence is evident in every bottle of Royal Health Wine. We invite you to experience the power of this ancient formula and elevate your health with our premium rice wine.


You can find more information: here

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